Bedre resultat uten bruk av psykofarmaka

Siv Helen RydheimForskning

En ny studie viser at av 10 personer som kom seg helt etter førstegangspsykose, så gjorde de som ikke brukte psykofarmaka det bedre, både i forhold til kognitive evner, arbeid og sosial funksjon – og de ble raskere bra.

Forskningen ble ledet av Susie Fu ved Universitetet i Oslo, Norge og er publisert i Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes.

Studien utfordrer synet på medikamentell behandling av pasienter med førstegangspsykose.

Artikkelens originaltittel:

Better Outcomes Off Medication for Those Recovered from First-Episode Schizophrenia

Les hele saken, som er omtalt på Mad In America av Peter Simons den 21.01.2019, via følgende lenke:

Relaterte saker

Breggin P, 2016. Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients

J Contemp Psychother (2016) 46:1–13. Published online: 12 June 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015.

Because the epidemic dispensing of psychiatric drugs is based on misinformation, it is important for all health professionals, consumers, and most citizens (including patients and their family members) to have a more rational understanding of how psychiatric drugs actually ‘‘work.’’

Instead of enforcing authoritarian ‘‘medication compliance’’ in obedience to the prescriber’s orders,informed therapists and healthcare providers have an ethical duty to provide scientific information about the real effects of psychiatric drugs.

Instead of naively accepting whatever the doctor prescribes to them, consumers need to educate themselves about all medications, but especially about psychiatric ones, which are consistently misrepresented and oversold.

This review focuses on three principles of rational psychopharmacology.

The first is the brain disabling principle,

which states that all psychoactive substances work by causing dysfunctions of the brain and mind. It further observes that no psychiatric drugs work by improving or correcting biochemical imbalances or any other presumed biological malfunctions.

The second principle is intoxication anosognosia (medication spellbinding),

which states that all psychoactive substances tend to cause a subjective over-estimation of their positive effects while masking their harmful ones, sometimes resulting in extremely harmful behaviors such as mania, violence and suicide.

The third principle is chronic brain impairment (CBI),

—that exposure to psychoactive substances, especially long-term, results in impairments of the brain or mind that can become persistent or permanent, including atrophy (shrinkage) of brain tissue.

Not only are psychiatric drugs likely to do more harm than good, there are more effective and infinitely safer proven psychosocial approaches for treating the whole spectrum of ‘‘psychiatric disorders’’ from ‘‘ADHD’’ and ‘‘major depressive disorder’’ to ‘‘schizophrenia.’’

Breggin P, 2018-01-17. What Should We Really Call Psychiatric Drugs?

 …why psychiatric drugs can have such disastrous effects on the brain, mind, and behaviour..