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Konferanse Litteraturhuset – Kunnskapsgrunnlaget

februar 8, 2017 @ 17:00 - 21:00

Velkommen til konferanse med ledende norske og internasjonale fagfolk:


Hva er kunnskapsgrunnlag for behandling med eller uten bruk av psykofarmaka?

Onsdag 8. Februar på at Litteraturhuset i Oslo, kl. 17–21.

Konferansen holdes på engelsk.



The instruction from Ministry of Health and Care Services regarding establishing treatments without the use of medicine in the Mental Health Services in all health regions in Norway

Håkon Rian Ueland 

Psychiatric wards without medication: Why is it a bad idea?

Jan Ivar Røssberg




Rethinking Antipsychotics:  Recovery Rates and Long-term Outcomes for Unmedicated Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

Rober Whitaker

Open dialogue with families increase resources for avoiding unnecessary medication and improve the outcome in psychotic crises

Jaakko Seikkula




Panel debate


Håkon Rian Ueland represents Fellesaksjonen for medisinfrie behandlingsforløp. He is the leader of We Shall Overcome (WSO) and a child welfare worker who works with minor, single asylumseekers.

Jan Ivar Røssberg work is professor in psychiatrist at University of Oslo and Oslo university hospital. He has the last 20 years been interested in research concerning psychosocial interventions for patients with severe mental disorders.


Robert Whitaker is a journalist and author. He has won numerous awards covering medicine and science. “Anatomy of an Epidemic” won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors book award for best investigative journalism.


Jaakko Seikkula is professor in psychotherapy, University of Jyväskylä. He has done research on the most sever mental health problems. A main part of his research has focused on outcomes and dialogical processes in treatment of psychosis in Open Dialogue practice.



februar 8, 2017
17:00 - 21:00


Tel: 22 41 35 90


Waldemar Thranes gate 1 B,
0171 Oslo


Landsforeningen We Shall Overcome

Bruker- og interesseorganisasjon for menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelse og verdighet innen psykisk helse. 980 334 597